- He balked in his speech. 他忽然中断讲演。
- He made many ludicrous mistakes in his speech. 他的演讲中有许多可笑的错误。
- In his speech he kept pounding away at his opponent's inefficiency. 他在演说中不断攻击他的对手不称职。
- In his speech, he referred to the Bible several times. 他在演说中好几次提到圣经。
- He spelled out the government's plans in his speech. 他在演说中把政府的计划详加说明。
- He allude to the problem in his speech. 他在演说中提及此问题。
- He didn't communicate his ideas well in his speech. 他在讲话中没有把自己的思想表达透彻。
- He is in the habit of branching out in his speech. 他讲话时总是要离开本题。
- There was no real meat in his speech. 他的讲话没有什么实际内容。
- He went over a great many points in his speech. 在他的报告中他谈了许多问题。
- In his speech he kept strictly to his subject. 在讲话时,他严格按照题目讲。
- In his speech he took a crack at his foreign staff. 他在讲话中对他的外国同事大加赞扬。
- He inserted one unscripted item in his speech. 他在演讲中添了一段讲稿上没有的话。
- He is very blunt in his speech . 他的言谈非常生硬。
- In his speech, he refer to the Bible several times. 他在演说中好几次提到圣经。
- He is always very correct in his speech. 他说话总是很有分寸。
- In his speech he took the opposition apart. 他在讲话中把对方驳得体无完肤。
- He balked me to carry out my plan. 他阻止我实施我的计划。
- He referenced her book in his speech. 他在讲话中提及了她的书。
- In his speech there were bouquets for everyone who had helped him. 在他的演讲里,他赞美了每一位帮助他的人。